Sunday, August 22, 2010

WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO place like HOME!! We got great news on Thursday of last week. Our doctor visit was at 3:45 and he gave us the go ahead to come HOME!! I want you all to know that we literally ran back to the hotel, threw everything in the car, and we were on the road home by 4:30!!!! No one had to tell us twice....LOL. We decided on the way we weren't going to tell anyone, we wanted to surprise them all. On the road my daughter called and wanted to know what all the noise in the background I had to confess to her we were on the road coming home. But I told her not to tell our grand daughter Kailyn. I wanted to surprise her and pick her up at school on Friday, and surprised she was!! Don also surprise his Mother by going to the rehab hospital she has been at since her back surgery, she was so surprised she cried...the nurses were also in on the whole thing, and they cried too. But the best of all was today....when Don and I walked into our Sunday School classroom and shocked all of them. It was the best reunion. It is soooo good to be back.
Folks, alot of people like Houston, but Don and I missed the quiet of Tioga. The green grass, tree's, no sirens at night, no shuttle to catch, and most of all our FAMILY!!!! God is so good, and we praise HIM for letting this happen. He has cured my husband and brought us both back home TOGETHER!! Many thanks to all who kept up with our journey on this blog. And for all the prayers, cards, calls, and love...WE THANK YOU ALL!
Don and Kathi

Friday, August 13, 2010

So nice to be together again at the hotel!

Well....Don and I are together again at our "home away from home." He finally got a good nights sleep without a nurse waking him up every two hours for vitals. He has found out real quick that he can't take the heat outside. He MUST have air conditioning. So I don't think he will want to be going golfing as soon as we get home. His skin is very sensitive, and the least little bit of sunlight and heat he breaks out in a rash. They say this will get better with time. We had clinical's today at the doctor's office. His counts are still looking good. No news yet as to when we can go home, but this "Dorothy" is ready to start clicking her heals together....."There's no place like home....there's no place like home.....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hallelujah....we are leaving the hospital.

Don has been doing so well, his blood counts are back to normal!! The doctor says he can leave the hospital tomorrow. He will now go to the hospital outpatient for awhile. Daily visits to do lab's and clinical visit to his doctor. The doctor will decide when we get to leave here and come back home. Not for a couple more weeks I am sure. They want to do a P.E.T. scan, a bone marrow test and remove his CVC Catheter before we can return home. Yesterday Don and I attended a Discharge Class. They gave us all the do's and don'ts for the next six months or so. His immune system will be very fragile. Looks like he gets out of cutting our grass for six months...hehe. But it also looks like he will be doing more golfing and less fishing for awhile. We can continue to see all our family at Sunday School, but will have to stay away from the crowds at church service. Lots of rules, but all for his best interest. So if you see him wearing his mask in public for awhile you will know why.
Hope to see you all before much longer,
Don and Kathi

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let me Clarify

Let me explain. The day Don Engrafted we sent out many text messages to people telling them in all our excitment. Then I got many calls and e mails asking what that meant. Sorry I didnt explain. That means his stem cell transplant was a SUCCESS!!!!! His stem cells have taken hold and are growing his new immune system! So he now has a new birthday....his THIRD!! God has given him life THREE TIMES!! He is able to eat some now, and is walking the floor here on the eleventh floor. His white blood cell count is continuing to rise. He has recieved two more pints of blood and will soon be recieving more platlets. We look for the day before too long that he can return to the hotel with me, and become an outpatient. After a little while outpatient we will be able to return to our REAL HOME!!! Hallelujah. Please join us in thanking our dear LORD GOD for all the blessings.
Love to all,
Don and Kathi

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We have ENGRAFTMENT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don has a new birthday! We got his white blood cell count. Zero point ONE!!!! It may sound like a little one to you, but its a very BIG one to us. It will go up and up from here. Don celebrated this morning with his favorite Blue Bell ice cream. GOD IS SOOO GOOD! He rested well last night and is feeling better. His red blood cell count is down some, not to worry though. He will be getting two pints of blood today and maybe platlets. By tomorrow I expect him to be walking the halls around here again. It is a day to celebrate. Thanks so much everyone for your support and prayers. Believe me we have felt them all.
Much Love from BOTH of us,
Don and Kathi

Friday, August 6, 2010

Doc say's don't panic!

Don had a rough night last night, with fever most of it. We had an oriental nurse who was very determined to lower it. She packed him in ice for part of the night. Steriods were administerd and seem to lower it a bit. Today the doctor's came in and said that fever is pretty common for stem cell transplant patients and that Don is actually still on track. Our doctor for the next two weeks is Dr. Ueno from Japan. I asked him about Don not eating anything...and he said..FORGET ABOUT IT!! And he laughted. He said he is getting enough i.v. fluids and to not worry. For a minute I thought he was trying to imitate the Seprano's..hehe.
There are so many doctor's and nurses here from all over the world. We have had the priveledge to have a doctor from Italy, one from Sweden, and now one from Japan. We have had nurses from Vietnam, the Phillipines, India, Ireland, China, and now one from...guess where? HOUSTON!! He is a minority, just like we are here. I have met several people at our hotel from all over the world as well. India, Iraq, New Zealand, England, and Australia. Alot of them dress in the garments from their native land. It has been quit an experience. Most all the staff here at the hospital are super. You can tell they have all been hand picked as the best. I feel comfortable knowing Don is getting such good care.
For now....he is snoring away in his hospital bed...a welcome sound. Hope tonight will be a more comfortable night.
Thanks for all your prayers.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today is Don's day seven. He is not feeling well at all. He has now developed a fever...sign of infection somewhere. They are doing blood work, and now a chest x ray to determine the problem. PLEASE pray for the infection to go away very soon. He also has such bad sores in this throat he hasnt eaten all day. He cant swollow. I am spending the night with him tonight at the hospital and I will try and carry this laptop with me. More later.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Don is on day five today. Just as I thought he did bottom out today. His white blood cell count was 0.0 You can't get any less than that!! Red blood cell count was 2.51 His Hemoglobin was low also so he recieved another pint of blood. He took a really good nap today, which he needed big time. And then he managed to walk some tonight. Just a few laps around the nurses stations and very slowly. His mouth is sore, so food today was soft. He loved the pudding and the hot chocolate. He might not eat much, but whatever he can get down and however much he can. We expect his count will start going up in a couple days. I pray very soon. Engraftment is between seven and ten days from recieving his stem cells. We are praying for seven of course...that would be this Thursday. Right now...he says he just wants to start feeling better, he is kinda puney.
Good news about his Mom, we heard she was moved to rehab today. She required a second back surgery, but is feeling much better now and getting around slowly. We have been keeping in touch as much as possible via phone. It is hard not being there for her.
Thanks for all your e cards, phone calls, and most of all prayers. We can't seem to thank you all enough.
Mucho Blessings from us both.
Don and Kathi